Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology
Light is at the center of research at Leibniz IPHT. Scientists are researching innovative photonic processes and tools as well as new quantum technologies addressing topics with high social relevance. The applications lay in the field of biophotonics (clinical diagnostics, pharmacy, and process control, as well as food and environmental safety) and range up to quantum sensing and metrology, quantum communication, and quantum computation in the field of life and environmental science as well as safety. An essential aim is to accelerate translation: the translation of research results into practice – from Ideas to Instruments.
Role within QSolid
The Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Leibniz IPHT) is contributing its 20+ years of experience in the design, fabrication, and characterization of superconducting circuits to QSolid and will help to advance the realization of significantly more powerful quantum computers by developing new fabrication and characterization processes for reliable implementation of high-quality and precise superconducting circuits.
Leibniz IPHT will also realize the key elements and circuit components for the quantum computer as well as research and develop novel superconducting materials and material concepts for these components with improved properties and functionalities.
Our vision for QSolid
With our decades of experience in the research, design, and characterization of superconducting quantum circuits, we will help drive the realization of much more powerful quantum computers and new applications that will enrich our society.
- from Dr. Gregor Oelsner